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Cut Me Free - Olivia

It is telling me that
I can not escape
It is telling me that
I can not forget
Just like a broken record, repeating it to me
You're getting my attention
It makes me weary

Oh you're so strong
You get stronger when I
Stronger when I believe you

Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster

It is telling me that
I am gonna choke
It is telling me that
I am strange
Just like a broken record, repeating it to me
Comparing always comparing
I can't take it

You live off my compassion
I am the one
That keeps you alive
I feel you pull me under
Fall into your trap
Now you're taking control of me
Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster
Cut me free memorizing monster

When you fall asleep
The ropes come undone
I feel the wind hit my face
If only I can be here all the time

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